Wednesday 7 November 2012

What is Geography @.@?

Well I would honestly the first ever time I faced this word, I am totally like HUH!!!

In the term, it is the study of the Earth based on the features, physically and its atmosphere and how it affects the humans living in it.

Years ago I made up this phrase, "If you can see the problem, solve it!" and yes I feel it is a very straight forward and practically common sense to say that. However on my first lecture on Geography perhaps it may or may not be right but definitely humans can never stop natural disasters from happening or in a sense to predict its arrival.

Nevertheless, I dooo hope that perhaps technology will advance to a stage that maybe one day my cheap made up phrase would still work! hahaha~

But of cause Geography in another term perhaps rephrased, is to study the environment so that we know how it affects us and how we affect the environment. I really like this term tat I have learnt in the lecture which is "it is not the earthquakes that kill us but the buildings" WHICH I REALLY AGREE!!! but however, nothing is perfect so there are definitely bound to be mistakes here and there.

Geography in my analogy is Humans to the Earth, knowledge in knowing what is goin on to our Mother Earth! same as when u own a car, U jolly well make sure it doesn't die on u!

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