Saturday 22 December 2012

Algae Biofuel

Life has been busy for quite a while Since I started school life, it has always been busy busy busy, I barely remember when was the last time I had decent fun.

Asides from that, I have been doing several presentations. I pondered my thoughts. This could be the new Era to save the World! (apologise for my cheesiness)

As the title mentions = Algae Biofuel
These are the following objectives
-         What is it?
-         How it can be used?
-         The advantages.
-         Why use algae biofuel.

Starting off from my previous blog

I mentioned Nuclear energy is used as due to the limited amount of Fossil fuels getting scarce, other methods of fuels have been researched into so some examples of alternative energy sources

Wind Energy 
Solar Energy
Energy from waste
Hydrogen Energy
Fuel cell
Algae Fuel 
Ethanol Fuel

So we shall focus on our main topic Algae Fuel 

So what is it?

It is a biofuel deprieved from algae as its source of nature deposits. Algae is grown through the uses of the Sun, Carbon dioxide and nutrients to grow. Similar to plants but Algae is deprived of nutrients to produce more oil. Certain selected algae can produce up to 50% oil and 50% biomass which are converted to fuel products 

How it can be used?

As shown this is will give a clearer picture of the process

The Process of Growth methods 

•Vertical growth/closed loop production has been developed by biofuel companies to produce algae faster and more efficiently than open pond growth.
•Increases productivity rate by the use of exposed sunlight and place in clear plastic bags to avoid contamination

Another simplified picture of the bioreactor process

The advantages

Closed-tank bioreactor plants to help increase oil rates even further. Indoor plants are built with large, round drums that grow algae under ideal conditions, this also allows convenience of space control as well as to control it in a conducive environment. Space is able to use efficiently. The algae are manipulated can be harvested every day even if different kinds of weathers. This allows very high output of algae, which in turn yields large amounts of oil for biodiesel. 

Note: Closed bioreactor plants can also be placed near energy plants to capture excess carbon dioxide that would otherwise pollute the air.

Nuclear Vs Algae Biofuels

Nuclear - Less pollution produce                                 Algae Biofuel - Scalable 
             - Small amounts of raw material needed                     - Inherently renewable 
             - Transportation is easy                                              - Can grow on unsuitable areas for agriculture 
             - Waste produced                                                      - Higher energy 

Both are in a sense Reliable!

Here is a overall Video to conclude this blog =P 

Articles in concerns to Algae Biofuels


It is said a main reason to use alternative fuels for transportation is to cut climate-warming greenhouse gas emissions created by burning fossil fuel. But estimates of greenhouse emissions from algae bio fuels cover a wide range, with some suggesting that over their life cycle, the fuels release more climate-warming gas than petroleum. 

Tim Zenk, vice president of a company named Sapphire, said that the company has worked for five years on the sustainability issues, He mentioned that the company recycles water and uses land that is not suitable for agriculture at its New Mexico site, where it hope to make 100 barrels of algae bio fuel a day by the year 2014. 

The U.S Navy used algae bio fuel along with fuel made from cooking oil waste as part of its "Green Fleet" military exercise demonstration this summer, drawing fire from Republican lawmakers for its nearly $27 per gallon cost. It was also unclear whether producing that much bio fuel from algae would actually lead to reduced greenhouse gas emissions.

Reports says "Algae production poses a double-edged threat to our water resources, already strained by the drought,". However sustainability concerns are not definitive barrier to future growth.

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