Wednesday 31 October 2012


This is practically the first time I am doing bloggin, never really done it coz I always felt it was a 'gals' thing and of coz I'm not trying to be sexist but yea, it just never appeal to me to have a blog but HERE I AM!

It has been the 2nd week of school now, life has really changed a lot and I think I have changed too~ It was first day of school, successfully got to school without getting lost hahaha~ and of coz I have mastered how I CAN WAKE UP EARLY!!! Hallelujah! 

Met loads of new friends, very interesting people and most of them are foreigners so I feel it is very fresh new experience.

Though it has not passed very long but I honestly enjoyed studying the modules, MATH especially difficult for me as I have ran away from it for like 6 YEARS!!!! And it comes haunting me again, so I feel morale of this story. Never run away from it!

Tats all for nw~